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Working From The Inside Out.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you charge for your 1:1 Coaching?

$50,000.00 an hour.

Just kidding.

I do not discuss fees until we meet, I have a better understanding of your needs, and you have a better understanding of the work and the value it would bring to your life and your business. It would simply be inappropriate. However, no one has ever had sticker shock. It is truly about putting the focus where it is appropriate and in which sequence. If I answered the question without you understanding the process and value better, it would be irresponsible of me. And it would not matter if my rates were $30/hour or $5,000. It is still a number with no meaning until you understand the value it would bring to your life and/or business.

How I do work is we engage in partnership around your goals, desires, and outcomes for about 6 months. In that time, you have virtually unlimited access to me. I can do this because I only engage with a limited number of clients at a time so I can fully serve them.

I can say that no one has ever experienced sticker shock.

How does the process work?

First we have an initial chat on the phone for about 15 or 20 minutes to make sure there is good reason for us to work together--that there is a good initial fit--my making sure that I can help you achieve your outcomes with a high degree of certainty. If that is the case, then we schedule a complimentary exploratory session. In that session we go into greater detail about what you want to achieve or resolve.

If this is for you personally, then we meet one-on-one. If it is something broader, could be on site at your company, and there may be some additional steps, but usually it is a pretty engaged and engaging process.

I then tell you very directly which outcomes I have certainty you can, in fact, achieve through the process--and I am equally as direct about what is not my area of expertise. Next, I explain my approach and how specifically I will assist you in achieving your outcomes.

At that point, we review an agreement [which has a full explantion of fees] and choose to work together--or we choose not to.

Either way, at that point, a choice is made based on our sense of whether it is a good fit us both--or not.

Pretty straightforward.

There may be a couple of additional steps in between in the case of you wanting training for your employees or the scope is larger, but you get the general idea, I trust.

As previously mentioned, I also have a limited number of spots available for "coaching" so I carefully interview my prospective clients. You will increase your footprint in the world as a result of our working together. I bear a strong responsibility to be certain that footprint is one that leaves a positive mark on the landscape. I take this very seriously.

Why do you call yourself an "Evolutionary Guide". Seems pretty weird. Why not just call yourself a "coach".

Coaches do great work, but I am not a coach. The core of my work involves guiding you through stages of development -- personally and professionally.  And while conventional coaching may be a part of our work together, being an Evolutionary Guide means I bring that third dimension of depth or if you prefer -- height / elevation -- to your development. Evolution is about stages -- with each stage transcending and including the former. So in a real sense "Evolutionary Guide" is simply more accurate to describe the work I do because our work together will not just allow you to have the results you want, but will also leave you with permanent aqusitions; we will not just shift your state, but also evolve your stage of development. That is not to say I do not have the capacity or skill to be a coach in terms of giving you direction and holding you accoutable if that is what you need. What is means is that I offer much more than that.

Where or how do we meet? Do you work over the phone?

I do not work over the phone.

Generally, we meet via Zoom Video. We also use Slack for messaging, session notes, and document sharing.

Do you offer programs that are less than 6 months?

No, I do not. If you think about it, 26 hours is very little time--just a little more than one day--regardless of how it is spread out, to take you to a whole new level. 26 hours is far less than a weekend workshop--and we all know those don't assist you in integrating the change. This program does.

It also allows us to relax into the process, built one phase on the previous, and so on. My work is in stages with any client

Are you a licensed therapist?

Nope. I am not a licensed California State mental health professional and do not provide psychotherapy, counseling, or any other mental health service that would require a license, nor do I hold myself out to provide such services. I provide consulting and educational services that often result in substantial learning, transformation, and the acceleration of your Professional Evolution.

How is personal evolution different from therapy?

Therapy is about diagnosis, classification, and often medicating. It is a problem and illness approach. Personal Evolution is about resolving past events, educating your mind to right thinking, and then deepening your Self. It is a solution approach. An educational approach.

What People Are Saying

Words of praise for Jason's work.

Digital Courses and Products (links lead to sales pages on Jason's Kajabi site)

Breaking Free From Anxiety and Depression: $197

Break Free From Anxiety and Depression with this comprehensive 6-week Program. 

Presentation Mastery Digital Course : $497

For professional communicators, workshop leaders, speakers, trainers, and course facilitators.

How To Crush It On The Apps $47

It's not the apps: it's you.

We will help you avoid predictable mistakes, write a killer profile, discover messaging best practices, dos, and don'ts - and crush it on the apps.