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6-week relationship makeover with Mariah Rossel and Jason McClain

12-Week Relationship Makeover

The 12-Week Relationship Makeover is a unique experience for women who want to experience the deepest level of transformation in the shortest possible time.

Whether you are looking to transform your current relationship and breathe new life into it or you are looking to completely transform your relationship to relationships in general and break past patterns so you can experience a completely new and more fulfilling level of relating, you'll be in safe, competent hands.

For women who want to attract and keep high-value and high-quality men, and have a more fulfilling experience with relationships in general.

Uplevel your relationships.

Join us.


Program Modules

Click the + sign to expand each section

September 21st | Emotional Fitness

Getting complete with the past - whether you are single or want to create a new relationship with the same partner.

  • Grief
  • Resentments
  • Blame and responsibility
September 28th | Emotional Fitness | Part 2
  • Releasing Emotional Enmeshments and co-dependence
  • Moving from vilification to appreciation 
October 5th | Relationship Models
  • Consciously Designing Your Relationship
  • Society and culture
  • Values and Forms
October 19th | Agreements for Healthy Relating
  • What they are
  • What they require
  • How to have the conversation
  • How to apply them
  • How to reboot any relationship with them
October 26th | Conflict Resolution
  • Clean communication
    • Sarcasm, joking, and the impact on turnon
  • Fighting Clean
  • The power of requests
  • Safety, trust, and truth
November 2nd | Secrets to Phenomenal Dating

If you are in a relationship now and think, "but we are not dating anymore" that's the problem right there.

  • Attention
  • Desire
  • Curiosity
  • Appreciation
November 9th | Secrets to Phenomenal Dating | Part 2
  • Boundaries
  • Expectations and attachment
  • Receiving

November 16th | Sexy Time
  • Shame
  • Consent
  • Negotiating Boundaries
November 23rd | Sexy Time | Part 2
  • Adventurousness
  • Curiosity
  • Playfulness
  • Communicating needs and giving feedback
    • Directing without controlling
  • STIs for the singles and the multi-partnered
November 30th | Emotional Intimacy and Depth
  • Feeling worthy
  • Vulnerability, surrender, openness
December 7th | Autonomy Maintaining Sovereignty
  • Emotional Autonomy - Secure Attachment
  • Financial Autonomy and "Mad Money"
  • Being willing to reach out and get help and support
  • Reclaiming your sovereignty 

Program Dates

All Dates Are Thursday Evenings
6:30pm - 8:30pm Pacific

September 21st
September 28th
October 5th
October 12th
October 19th
October 26th
November 2nd
November 9th
November 16th
November 23rd
November 30th
December 7th


Location: Zoom

Program Tuition

3 Payments of $297

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this only for people in relationships?

No. This course is both for people who are in relationships and for singles who want to be in a relationship. 

Is this course available for both men and women?

This course is only for anyone who identifies as a woman or feels safe in containers designed for women.

If you are interested in this course and identify as a man, we are happy to work with you 1:1, or if there is sufficient interest, we will design a course for men.

Will this course help me manifest the partner of my dreams?


This course will help you work through the emotional blocks that are keeping you from having your ideal relationship and teach you relationship and communication styles, that once implemented, can transform your relationships. We offer you the tools, skills, mindsets, and frameworks. It is up to you to apply them to your relationships and/or to use them to create a fulfilling relationship.

What the program will do is create the conditions within you that make it far more likely for you to find, attract, and keep your ideal partner.

I’ve seen a lot of couples who are in relationships offer relationship courses. Are you and Jason in a relationship?

No. We are not, and we think that is better for you. 

Rather than sell you on the illusion that you can have what two people who are in love have and have that glow influence your decision to join us, rather we are two individuals who bring a vast amount of experience and insight in the personal development realm to bear on relationships for you and serve you with that - and with your desired vision for the future in your relationships.

Jason D McClain

Mariah Rossel

Mariah Rossel helps people confront their wounding and their shadow without fear, enabling them to step into their authentic being by deeply knowing and embracing all aspects of themselves. She helps them acknowledge how their shadow is manifesting in their life, so they can break free from the energies holding them back. 

Working with Mariah means her clients discover their true passions and purpose, enabling them to embrace and enjoy every aspect of living an abundant, meaningful life in service to the divine and humanity.

Mariah is an LPC , Reiki master/teacher, reflexologist and healer based in Boulder, CO who specializes in empowering adults and adolescents to heal their traumatic pasts and step into their authentic being. She holds a Master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Lamar University in Beaumont, TX, as well as a certificate in Holistic Health and Wellness. Mariah has studied with Shipibo and Lakota families since 2006.

Mariah has taken nearly 100 clients through the Spiral and Womb Spiral since 2019.

She continues to build on her knowledge and experience, recognizing that the learning never stops.

Jason D McClain

Jason D McClain

Jason has been studying advanced models of interpersonal communication and personal development and applying them to real-world situations for over 25 years. He has guided over 500 individual clients in their evolution through 6-month programs, one-on-one, since 2004, radically accelerating their development.

He is a vipassana meditator, having been on nine 10-day silent meditation retreats to date, an NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer since 1995, and an overall Integral Theory geek [AQAL, Spiral Dynamics, Etc].

As the architect of the Evolutionary Sales system, he has been teaching coaches and healers how to build 6-figure practices since 2008.

Now, after 17 years in this personal development business, he has turned his attention to the Relationships: Evolved and Evolutionary Gentlemen material he has been developing for the last few years.

He has been said to demonstrate near-encyclopedic knowledge of all things personal development.

Jason is irreverent, sharp, witty, profoundly skilled, and can write a poem that melts hearts, but at his core, his only true love is your personal and professional evolution.

His friends simply refer to him as "The McClain®".

Digital Courses and Products (links lead to sales pages on Jason's Kajabi site)

Breaking Free From Anxiety and Depression: $197

Break Free From Anxiety and Depression with this comprehensive 6-week Program. 

Presentation Mastery Digital Course : $497

For professional communicators, workshop leaders, speakers, trainers, and course facilitators.

How To Crush It On The Apps $47

It's not the apps: it's you.

We will help you avoid predictable mistakes, write a killer profile, discover messaging best practices, dos, and don'ts - and crush it on the apps.